3 Breathing Exercises to Relax


The first thing that naturally happens as we come into the world, and last action taken before passing away to another life.

Breath is power.


I often say in my yoga classes, “Imagine the power of the breath, imagine each inhale surging through the body to the places of tension, and with each exhale, allow the power of the breath to do the work.”

“And breathe here”

Breathing is something we do so naturally, that when we do focus in, listen to the breath, feel the breath, we are able to calm the body and mind more easily.


In yoga, we refer to the breath as a person’s life force. Breathwork, also known as pranayama has numerous benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Pranyama broken down is prana - meaning 'life force' and ayama - meaning ‘to extend or draw out'. Together, the two mean breath extension.

Most people’s unconscious breathing patterns tend to be tense, shallow, and erratic. When we get scared or hear bad news, we often gasp—inhaling and then holding the breath. These breathing patterns can activate the sympathetic nervous system (often referred to as the “fight or flight response”).

One of the primary reasons that pranayama techniques are so beneficial is because, when practiced correctly, they can support the parasympathetic nervous system and activate what is commonly known as the “relaxation response,” reducing stress and its effects on your body and mind. Thus your mind becomes more focused and still.


Let’s try some breath work techniques together

Pranayama is a practice, just like meditation, or yoga.

Allow yourself to explore which breath is your favorite, which calm you, which energize you.

Always come back to the breath, the breath is the power of the body, the breath is our life force.

Remember - Just Breathe

Alternate Nostril Breathing(Nadi Shodhana Breath)

This breath helps relieves stress and balances the hemispheres of the brain. Let’s try it!

  • Hold your right hand up to your face.

  • Close your right nostril with your right thumb.

  • Slowly inhale through the left nostril.

  • Close the left nostril with your ring finger.

  • Release the breath slowly through the right nostril.

  • Slowly inhale through the right nostril.

  • Close the right nostril with your thumb.

  • Release the breath slowly through the left nostril.

  • Repeat this sequence starting and ending on the left nostril, however many times feels right.


What did you think?

Let’s see what other techniques you may enjoy trying!

Box Breath(Sahita Kumbhaka)

Kumbhaka is the state of suspension, or pause. This breath is wonderful for creating space between the inhale and exhale; a pause that is often forgotten about as we naturally breathe. This one may feel unnatural at first, but it’s great for relaxing and practicing mindfulness.

  • Inhale slowly.

  • Pause and hold for a few moments at the top of the breath.

  • Exhale slowly.

  • Hold for a few moments at the bottom of the breath.

  • Inhale slowly again; repeat for five minutes, then return to a normal breath.


How did you like that one?

Box Breath is one of my favorites. I feel the pause is like a reset to the system and it helps my body and mind relax more easily.

Cooling Breath(Sitali Breath)

A calming and cooling breath technique that takes a bit more practice, and tongue talent, but is very effective.

  • Roll your tongue into a tube shape, or simply flatten the center and lift the edges as much as possible.

  • Take a deep, full inhale with an open mouth.

  • At the top of the breath, touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and close your mouth.

  • Hold for a few moments.

  • Release through the nose.


So… what do you think? How do you feel?

It’s amazing, isn’t it? The power of breath.

By simply controlling the thing that happens so naturally, we are able to use our very own life force as a tool to calm and relax or to energize and invigorate the mind, body, and soul.

Remember, when times get tough - Just Breathe


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