New Moon in Scorpio

New moons bring new beginnings, new opportunities, new goals, and a moment to slow down and reflect. November brings our third super-moon this year, which means the moon is slightly closer to Earth, heightening emotions, and bringing even stronger energies than normal. This new moon being in Scorpio creates a focus around all things secret, dark, sexy, powerful, or relating to money. Scorpio's spicy, passionate energy urges us to examine our true passions, desires, dreams, and goals.

Moon in Scorpio urges us to dive deeper into our feelings. You may desire deeper emotional exchanges, changes in work or relationships, and/or the urge to remove someone/something from your life. Shallow relationships do not serve you; find meaningful, purifying relationships with others, removing those who don't serve your higher purpose. 

The sun conjunct moon brings an invigorating burst of energy, ideas, and initiative; making this the perfect time to create a fresh start, start a new project, or question old habits, beliefs, and behaviors. Search for new and innovative ways to make progress. 

We are being guided to allow the deepest of fears, loves, hopes, and dreams, to rise up from the pit of our belly, up and out into a new space of awareness.

It is our duty to sit with our thoughts and feelings as they arise, from a place of non-judgment. It is our job to recognize that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, we are the ones experiencing them.

Lean into that idea a little longer – you are not your emotions, you are simply the one that is experiencing them.

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Journal Prompts:

  • How am I authentically expressing myself?

  • What committed relationships can I deepen?

  • What fears or hidden elements do I need to face?

  • Where have I given my power away? How can I gain that feeling of power back?

  • How can I tune into or embrace my sexuality?

  • Where do I find passion in my life?

Gratitude - This month, we tend to reflect on gratitude and give thanks to all that is abundant in our lives. What in your life are you grateful for? Try gratitude lists. Write down a few things you’re grateful for; you can even do this daily each morning.

Things I’m grateful for…

~ sunshine ~a snuggly pup ~food and shelter ~the smell of rain ~yoga

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Essential Oils:

Frankincense & Bergamot – both enhance your ability to see your truth and personal worth. They boost self-esteem and confidence. Simply put a drop of oil on your hands and breathe it in or diffuse it

doTERRA’s Align Blend – helps you tune into what you really want. This complex blend of essential oils helps you attract the people and opportunities to support you. Apply on the inner part of your arms, along your spine, the bottom of your feet or simply breathe it in to align with what you want.

doTERRA’s Arise Blend – helps you rise up after challenges and transform pain into personal power.  Use this blend on pulse points, over your heart, on the crown of your head.


Acupuncture with Adele


Full Blue Moon in Taurus