How to start a meditation practice

Have you ever seen pictures of meditation and thought, “I could never sit still like that” or “I can’t just empty my mind” or “Wow, how do they do that?” or maybe something along those lines?

You’re not alone.

Meditation is kinda confusing to be honest. I used to think you had to sit on a cushion and clear your mind and do nothing; that’s what I thought meditation was. I was wrong. I just needed patience.

photo by: Mary Ella Photography

photo by: Mary Ella Photography

Patience is key; meditation is learning to sit with ourselves, it can be difficult, and we need to have patience with the process, with ourselves and with this practice.

Meditation is a part of yoga. Yoga is a part of meditation.

Meditation is simply a space to explore the mind. It may be to clear the mind, or to sort through all the buzzing thoughts. It might be a space to work through feelings and emotions, or a space to focus in on your breath and body. Meditation can be sitting still, or it can be a moving meditation. Meditation can be quiet or it can be loud, like chanting mantras. Meditation can be individual or group. Meditation can be what you want it to be; meditation is for you to escape, but to also dive within.

Where can I meditate?

Anywhere! Ideally, somewhere you’re comfortable, but you can meditate indoors, outdoors, in private, in public, or anywhere! If you’re looking for guidance and want to start practicing meditation with a teacher, you can find guided meditations local to you. Message me if you’d like to try a guided meditation together. Look up local yoga studio offerings in the area either online or via MindBody. Search YouTube for online meditations from a range of virtual instructors.

photo by: Mary Ella Photography

photo by: Mary Ella Photography

But really… how do I do it?

  1. Let go of any expectations; remember this is simply a space to explore and you can make it what you want

  2. Find somewhere comfortable. It can be laying down, sitting, or even a moving meditation. Find a space and position that’s comfortable.

  3. Start small. Just 5-10 minutes a day to start. Set a timer to keep track of time without worrying about the clock.

  4. Observe your breath. This is a simple meditation of just focusing on the natural breath. Maybe you begin controlling the breath and trying a pranayama technique.

  5. Just sitting. Simply sit, observe your surroundings, observe yourself, your thoughts, your movements, your body.

  6. Find a meditation buddy. Find someone who is interested in meditation and try group meditations together!

  7. Practice. Just like yoga or working out, meditation is a practice.

  8. Journal and gratitude. Try journaling, reflecting on gratitude, or focusing on a specific mantra or positive affirmation.

  9. Notice your excuses. See what’s stopping you, holding you back. Use that as your focus and just notice.

  10. Have fun with it! As yoda says, “There is no try, only do”, so just do it and see what happens!

What now?

Just go ahead and get started. Try it once and see what happens, then try it again, try something different, try that again, and see what works for you. You might be surprised on just how deep within you can go.

Tag me for a chance to win!

Tag me in a picture on social media sharing your practice, meditation space, favorite meditation tool, or other yogi items for a chance to win a FREE guided meditation!

photo by: Mary Ella Photography

photo by: Mary Ella Photography


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