Twists in Yoga - How to detox the body

What’s the point of twisting?

We often are cued in yoga classes and other fitness programs, to take the body into a twisted position, but WHY?

Twists are detoxifying!!!

They help detox the body of stagnant energy, toxins, and all the negative stuff.

So come on baby, twist and shout!

Ok, but really… Why do we twist?

Twisting compresses the organs, pushing out blood that may be filled with toxins, while stimulating blood circulation, cleansing organs, and restoring range of motion in the spine.


Think about it this way: “squeeze and soak” - just like wringing out a washcloth of water, we wring out the body when we twist.

Imagine your washcloth. You’ve soaked it under the water; it’s now sopping wet, dripping, and heavy.

What do you do?


Then the excess water releases from the washcloth, leaving it lighter and easier to use, right?

wring out towel.jpg

When we twist in yoga, this same thing is happening to our bodies!!

Well, not literally the same thing, but it’s a good metaphor.

Our bodies are releasing toxins, stagnant energy, and loosening up when we twist regularly.

Benefits of twists:

  • improves spine flexibility

  • lengthens spine

  • improves digestion

  • reduced back pain

  • helps de-stress

  • releases stagnant energy

Types of twists:

  • Reclined Twists - Typically, in reclining twists, the upper half of the body is grounded and stabilized, so most of the twisting happens in the lower back as the pelvic, and legs do the twisting action. For reclining twists, try keeping the core stable and the shoulders grounded against the floor.

  • Standing Twists - Think tall and sturdy. Ground through the feet, twists in standing positions require a stable base. Twist from the pelvic up the spine, finding length in the spine, and twisting from the lower back up.

  • Seated Twists - Similar to standing twists, seated twists require a stable core, sturdy base(grounded pelvic), and length in the spine. Sit up tall, lengthening through the spine, then twist from the lower back up.

    *Engaging the abdominals while twisting, helps stabilize the pelvis and support the lower back*


How can we twist safely?

  • Inhale and lengthen the spine first - ground through sit bones(seated twists) or ground the feet and pelvic(standing twists). This helps keep the natural length of the spine before you begin twisting.

  • Twist from the lower spine up - the spine has different mobility sections, with the neck being most mobile. The thoracic spine or mid-back is attached to the rib cages, limiting range of motion slightly more than the neck. The lumbar spine or low back is most restricted, making it best to start low where you’re most restricted, and twisting up from there. Your twist may not be as deep, but it’s keeping the entire spine safer when you twist from the lower spine up.

  • AVOID TWISTS IF: Pregnant, spinal disc injury, chronic digestive issues, or sacroiliac joint issues.

If you’re ever unsure if twists are okay for you, check with your medical provider to get the A-OK!

Where to practice twists

ANYWHERE! Yoga studio, gyms, at home, at the office, in between classes, waiting in line - just about anywhere you want!

Online- YouTube is a great resource for your at home practice.

Try this easy + quick 13-minute Digestion Flow by Yoga with Adriene to explore some simple seated twists and movement to improve digestion!

In Person - Join a class near you. MindBody is a great resource to search for schedules, classes, and studios near you! Or contact me today to inquire about my services and offerings.

On your own - Maybe you already have a practice and twists are totally your jam! If so, that’s awesome! Keep twisting baby!

Unsure about twists? No worries!


If you’re unsure how to begin your twisting practice, seek advice from a trained fitness professional like a yoga instructor, personal trainer, or fitness instructor.

If you’re unsure if twists are safe for you, seek advice from a medical professional like your providing physician, chiropractors, and physical therapists.

Questions??? Contact me!

Have fun twisting the body and exploring movement!


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