Finding myself

Finding yourself is a funny thing, isn’t it? We are physically here in this world, breathing, moving, and living - but have we really come home? Have we found what makes our heart and soul feel so balanced and at ease that life just flows effortlessly? Is that even possible? Can that be an obtainable goal?

Well, maybe life isn’t picture perfect and sure, it’s got its ups and downs, but life is a journey. The journey is all about figuring out what makes you feel happy and healthy. Most importantly, the journey is about coming home.

When you hear home, you probably think of your house. Think bigger. Not planet or universe big, but the idea that coming home means coming back to your mind, body, and soul. Consider the idea that no matter where you are, what you’re doing, or who you’re with, you can come back home to yourself - always.

How do we get there??

Find things that make you feel good. No really, that’s it. The problem is, society. Take away your job, your friends, your family, your house, your location, and what do you reallllyy enjoy doing? What brings you joy? What activities? What about nature excites you? Can you tap into the more simple, primal ways of living and see what genuinely brings you happiness? My hope for you is that you surprise yourself.

When I stopped taking my job or current status or anything into account when thinking about my happiness, I found that the things that make me really happy are two things; 1) free and 2) simple. We humans are so complex, yet at the same time, we are quite simple.

I found joy in long walks with my dog, being outside in nature, hearing the rain hit the roof, feeling the warmth of the sun, writing poetry, singing out loud, dancing in the kitchen, paddling on the water, swimming, and basically being connected with nature. If I’m not connected with nature, the things that bring me joy are comfy blankets, cozy naps, a good book, cooking myself a delicious meal, taking a bath, and anything that helps me slow down.

In a world that is so chaotic, we don’t often get invited to slow down. When we choose to slow down, we turn inward, and when we turn inward we allow ourselves to reflect, reevaluate, and recharge. When we are reenergized, we are able to feel more productive, motivated, happy, grounded, and at peace.

photo by: Mary Ella Jourdak Photography

So what are you waiting for? The journey has already begun. Slow down and enjoy the process. Sometimes in the midst of the chaos, when we slow down and listen and reflect, we find more growth and opportunity - just pause and listen and you’ll find it!

You’re right where you need to be. Trust the process. Live more simply and do the things you love.


Everything happens for a reason


Moving + Changing